Use zoom? If you do not do this, you can be in big danger!

 Use zoom? If you do not do this, you can be in big danger!

(ZooM) Do You Use  The  Zoom App ? The Popularity Of  THIS  App  Has  Skyrocketed Due  To  Work  From  Home  And  School-college Online  Classes In  Extreme Times . This Time  The  Hackers Are  Targeting  That  App . IF THIS  App  is On  YOUR  Phone  or Computer  Then Hackers Can  Use  it To  Install Malware. An Expert  From  Google Project Zero Warns.

(Z) What Exactly  Are  they Saying? It is Known That  a Mechanical  Error Has  Been  Noticed in THIS  App  recently. Due To  Which Users Can  Fall  Into Misery. From Android to Windows or IPhone, THERE  is THIS  Risk  in all Cases . Sending a Message To  Install THIS  Malware. Apparently, THIS  Is a Message About The  App . But THERE  is a Hidden Hacking Signal.

(Z) What is The  way to ESCAPE  from this danger? To Avoid  this risk, YOU  need to download The  latest update of V5.10.0 app. YOU  need to be Careful if YOU  see any Suspicious links With  it. Only Then Will  it be possible To  avoid THIS  Danger .

(Z) The Zoom App  has Become  Quite  popular Over  The  last Three  years. In The  case Of  The  Corporate  World , The  acceptance Of  THIS  App  is huge. Zoom is Used in everything From  Job interviews to Importantly  Meetings. Note That  Zoom Has  recently Introduced Some important New  Features. It Has  Features Like zoom background Room . Where Participants In  the  Zoom call  Can  Meet in Small  Groups . There is Also An Online  Whiteboard Called Miro. With it YOU  can give Real  time ideas.

Significant daily news

(Z) The Popularity Of  THIS  App  Has  Skyrocketed Due  To  Work  From  Home  And  School-college Online  Classes in extreme Times . This Time  The  hackers are targeting That  App . If THIS  App  is on YOUR  Phone  or Computer  Then  hackers Can  Use  it to Install Malware.

(Z) An Expert  From  Google Project Zero Warns.

What Exactly  are they saying? It is known That  a mechanical Error Has  Been  noticed in this app recently. Due to Which users May  Be  in Danger . From Android to Windows or iPhone, THERE  is THIS  Risk  in All  cases. A message is Being  sent  To  install THIS  malware Apparently, THIS  is a message aboute The  App . But THERE  is a hidden hacking Signal.

(Z) What is The  Way  to escape From  this danger? To avoid THIS  risk, YOU  need to download the latest update of V5.10.0 app. You needs  to Be  careful I'd  you See  Amy  suspicious links With  it. Only then will it be possible To  avoid THIS  Danger .

Significant daily news

(Z) The Zoom app Has  become Quite  popular Over  the last three years. The app is widely accepted in the corporate world. Zoom is used in everything From  Job  interviews to important meetings. Note that Zoom Has  recently introduced some important New  features. It Has  features like zoom background Room . Where participants In  The  zoom Call  Can  meet in small groups. There is also an online whiteboard called moro . With it YOU  can give Real   Time  ideas.

(Z) This app recently caught a mechanical error.

Due to which users can fall into misery.

An expert from Google Project Zero has warned

Significant daily news

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